
-Handbag Essentials-

August 03, 2017

Today I thought I would share with you my handbag essentials, the stuff I carry around with me everyday. Now to be honest if you emptied my handbag out you would find the typical layer of crap that everyone carries in their handbag, such as a haft empty packet of tissues, a shopping list from months ago, tampons and the obligatory layer of crumbs and mints that have found themselves sitting at the bottom of your handbag. But today I thought I would show you the useful stuff that I carry around in my handbag day-to-day. 

This I bought from Paper chase in January as I needed a new one to keep in my handbag and the print I thought was super cute!! I jot inspiration, ideas and shopping list in it and its really handy when you need to remember something you can just quickly write it down.

My diary is from WhSmiths but its by the brand Monsoon. Its not that exciting really, I bought it because its the perfect handbag size and the pattern on the front is really cute!!!

Bought from Accessorize about a year ago its still the most amazing purse. I was so fed up of cheep purses breaking on me so I invested in a better quality one and I'm so glad I did. Is the most beautiful delicate grey colour with a suede front and the rest made from leather. Its got LOADS of space for your cards and a large change compartment. 

The standard ones that come with an Iphone, they work, I like them!!

Glasses and Case
I've Had these glasses for 2 years now, they are made by Polaroid and I really like them and most importantly they mean that I can see. Normally I'm just carrying the case around in my handbag because the glasses are on my face. 

A pen I found on my desk and chucked in my bag so that I can write in my note book and diary.

The collection lasting perfection concealer is my absolute favorite and I always carry one in my bad just in case I need to touch it up throughout the day, especially in the summer.

Nivea lip balm
This is one of my favorite lip balms it makes my lips feel really smooth and moisturized especially throughout the summer when they are feeling a bit dry, but most importantly it has SPF 15 in it so it protects my lips at the same time.

Hair band and Clips
I LOVE these hair band, for people out there with thick hair and always struggle with normal hair bands, these are the answer to your prayers. I'm not 100% sure what they are called but I always call them telephone wires because they remind me off old school telephone cords, but they really are amazing they hold all of your hair in place without the annoying loosening of the hairband throughout the day. And the Hair clips are just a basic pack from boots, which are always handy to have in your bag to clip up loose bits of hair throughout the day.

I hope you have enjoyed having a nosey into what I keep in my bag and I'd love to know what your handbag essentials are, Speak soon!!! 

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